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Dandra Solv Therapeutic Moisturizing Conditioner Ph balance at 4.5
Control Flaking
Seborrheic Dermatitis
Protects scalp's natural balance
Relieve dryness
Itching and flaking
Controls crusty scalp build-up
Detangles and moisturizes

Dandra Solv Therapeutic Moisturizing Conditioner

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$ 16.00

Ph balance at 4.5 Control Flaking Seborrheic Dermatitis Protects scalp's natural balance Relieve dryness Itching and flaking Controls crusty scalp build-up Detangles and moisturizes

Product Detail:

This therapeutic conditioner used in conjunction with the Therapeutic Dandra-Solv™ Shampoo helps eliminate crusty scalp buildup. The hair is not only moisturized it's strengthened to prevent breakage and shedding. 8oz