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  • Nairobi Sheer Shine - Very light hair polish heat protectant and cuticle sealant

    Very light hair polish heat protectant and cuticle sealant

  • Satin Scalp Therapy - This will help to control several hair & scalp conditions such as: dry, itchy scalp, dandruff, thinning hair, eczema & alopecia.

    This will help to control several hair & scalp conditions such as: dry, itchy scalp, dandruff, thinning hair, eczema & alopecia.

  • Satin WHITE Pomade - Satin WHITE Pomade is a well blended combination of over 10 essential oils. Formulated for people that are allergic or sensitive to dyes or perfumes.

    Satin WHITE Pomade is a well blended combination of over 10 essential oils. Formulated for people that are allergic or sensitive to dyes or perfumes.